You can now trade your altcoins for bitcoins on our marketplace. In line with our quest to onboard and accommodate more people into Bitcoin, we have added a feature that enables all users to trade over 30 altcoins for bitcoin with more to be added with time. Trading altcoin for Bitcoin and vice versa is as easy as using any other payment method on our marketplace to buy and sell cryptocurrencies to make profits.
To trade altcoins for bitcoin follow the simple steps outlined below:
1. Navigate to the marketplace icon and click on the silent pool icon and click to input trade details.

2. Select the cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, USDT, USDC) you want to trade and the altcoin you wish to exchange. Then click on find offers.
Note: you can trade altcoin for Bitcoin, USDT or USDC and vice versa.

3; When you find the offer suitable for you click on buy/sell depending on the exchange you are interested in making. Then input the amount you wish to trade in the provided spaces and click on start trade to proceed.

4. Start the trade and read carefully the trader terms and instructions to complete the trade.
i. When exchanging altcoin for Bitcoin, your partner will provide you with wallet address and corresponding network to make payment.
ii. If you are exchanging bitcoin for altcoin, you will provide your partner with your wallet and corresponding network to make payment by sending the altcoin to you.

5. Once payment has been received and confirmed you will receive bitcoin into your wallet. In the case where you are exchanging for altcoin, once you confirm receiving the equivalent amount of altcoin, then complete the trade by releasing bitcoin to your trade partner.
Important Note:
a. NoOnes only offers peer-to-peer trading of altcoins on the marketplace and does not provide wallet services for these altcoins in the silent pool.
b. All trades are peer to peer secured by our escrow system, there are no automated trades on the silent pool marketplace section.
c. Before completing trades ensure you have received or sent corresponding altcoins to the provided wallet in the trade chart.
Elevate your Bitcoin experience on NoOnes and make more profits, unlocking limitless possibilities anytime, anywhere!
Happy Trading! 🚀✨